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The colder winter days can have a toll on your vehicle and how it performs. So you can prepare your car for winter, learn more about the consequences the cold can have on it with this post by Hartmans Inc in Wichita.

By now, we're almost in the middle of winter, meaning we're getting through the coldest days of the year. To prepare for these days, you probably got all of your winter coats, sweaters, snow boots, gloves, and warm socks to keep your body at the right temperature and comfortable when the winds get chilly. You likely also serviced your water heater, space heater, and fireplace so that your home could stay toasty on those days where the snow is falling from the sky. The point is that you take certain measures to keep yourself and your home protected from the coldness of the winter days. While all of this is fine and well, what steps do you take to prepare your car for winter? To make sure you'll help your vehicle withstand the frozen temperatures, the following post will share some consequences that the cold days can have and how you can steer clear of them.

Help your vehicle stay strong any day of the year with the top products for it. Call Hartmans Inc in Wichita at (316) 686-1069 or visit AMSOIL's online shop to place an order on them.

How the Cold Weather Affects Your Car

Your Battery Can Die More Often

For starters, during the colder winter days, you need to keep an eye out for your battery. As you know, your battery is in charge of powering plenty of important components in your vehicle (a few of which are essential during the winter months- e.g., the lights). However, the dropping temperatures can have negative effects on it. Mainly, it can cause it to deplete faster and more often. Luckily, a simple recharge will fix the issue. Just make sure to do this often, so it won't die on you at an inconvenient time. Likewise, don't forget to keep the charger cables in the vehicle and to replace your battery every few years.

The Vehicle's Fluids Can Perform Differently

The next care to prepare your car for winter is to pay more attention to your vehicle's fluids (like the coolant, braking fluid, synthetic oil, power-steering fluid, transmission fluid, and even the fuel). These fluids are essential to keep your vehicle running effectively. Still, the coldness of the air can also have some consequences in them, causing them to perform differently. To guarantee this won't get in the way of your vehicle's performance and its lifespan, you can use winter-grade alternatives to them. As for the fuel, keep the tank more than half full so you won't run out of gas.

The right synthetic oil in Wichita, AMSOIL Signature Series 5W-30 Synthetic Motor Oil, can ensure your engine will remain in top working condition all year-round.

The Tires Can Deflate and Get Damaged

The tires on your vehicle have incredibly stressful jobs. For one, they have to pick your vehicle up with all of its weight. Then, they have to resist constant fiction with the road while moving you and trying to keep you stable. During winter, they also have to get a grip even if the roads are slippery due to rain, snow, hail, or ice. For these reasons, it should be your priority to keep your tires in mint shape. As the days get colder, this can be more challenging, since the coldness can result in lower tire pressure. To avoid a mishap, check your tires regularly and inflate them as needed.

It Can Break the Wiper Blades

Last but not least, take good care of your wiper blades. These are small and not the most important component in your vehicle. In fact, you may even forget that they're there. Until you need them. Wiper blades are key in helping you stay safe when there's precipitation outside that's blocking your windshield and your vision. However, the cold can cause the rubber in them to get brittle and break, and the wiper fluid to freeze over in the reservoir. Keep your blades in mind and replace them if they get damaged. Also, use a winter-grade option for the wiper fluid.

Prepare your car for winter and any other season with high-quality products for its maintenance. Call Hartmans Inc in Wichita at (316) 686-1069 or visit AMSOIL's online shop to purchase products that can save you time and money on your vehicle's maintenance.